Quick Set-up Guide

Keep Connect Setup #

Keep Connect Version Differences #

Quick Start Guide- For Keep Connects purchased before 4/1/2020, please see the previous edition of instructions here

The latest firmware (KeepConnectV2) was released March 3, 2022. See here for notes on the firmware as well as how to upgrade if interested. Keep Connects will not ship with this firmware until April 30, 2022.

Quick Start Guide – Follow the steps #

  • Plug Keep Connect into an outlet.
  • Plug your router/wireless access point into Keep Connect.
  • On your phone or tablet, connect to Keep Connect’s wifi SSID (as if Keep Connect were acting as a router itself). Under your WiFi settings you should see the Keep Connect SSID. Connect to it!
  • And, WAIT!!! Be patient, and it takes Keep Connect a moment to redirect you to a configuration page (it works just like an airport or other public open WiFi networks requiring no password, you have to wait for the sign-in or acknowledge page). If it says “Unable To Connect” and may need another attempt or two to connect. This is a known issue but does not affect the device’s reliability.

To sum up, If the configuration page does not come up, open a browser and go to while still connected to Keep Connect’s WiFi SSID. You may be prompted that this connection does not have internet (which is true), but you will only stay connected to Keep Connect’s WiFi during configuration. It will automatically close after configuration, but it can be re-enabled by pressing/holding the button on the front for 5 seconds for future configuration changes.

Set Up Keep Connect #

  • Once the configuration portal pops up, choose “Setup Keep Connect” (Previous firmware editions don’t have this screen; instead, go straight to Step X).
  • In addition, our latest firmware can enable a Web Portal, which will be available to log in and view/modify settings, manage firmware, trigger reboots, and perform factory resets. The Web Portal will be available on your router’s WiFi network after setup at the IP address that your Keep Connect is assigned on that network. If presented with this page, enter a Username/Password to proceed. You can also disable the Web Portal by checking the box.
  • In addition entering your credentials, you’ll proceed to the configuration page to connect your Keep Connect to your home router that it will manage. Click on the SSID of the WiFi network you would like to connect Keep Connect, then enter the WiFi password.

Notifications #

  • Also, choose how you would like notifications to be handled from your Keep Connect. It will give the numbers of resets, last reset date, etc. This serves as good feedback to let you know it’s working throughout its life. If you choose “No Notifications,” you won’t receive the email/SMS indicating that Keep Connect has actually connected. For verification that it is working you will need to visit https://www.johnson-creative.com/status. Click “Search on Your Network.” This will check for a Keep Connect having the same IP Address as your browser. NOTE: You must be connected to the same router as Keep Connect in order for this to work.
  • Next, modify any other settings as desired(by clicking on Show Advanced Settings) and click save.
  • Finally, you are now connected!!! Blue LED should light up as an indication that connection was successful. Keep Connect should send you an initial text or email (if you set up notifications) to let you know everything is good to go. Keep Connect will close the setup window. You can reach the configuration page again by pressing/holding the button for appx 5 seconds. NOTE: Previous firmware will clear settings and factory reset the unit allowing a fresh st, while the latest firmware will not change anything until told to do so from within the configuration page.

Check Keep Connect’s Connection Status And Reset History #

  1. Go to www.johnson-creative.com/status
  2. Enter your Keep Connect ID (it is given in all texts from Keep Connect) If you didn’t enter your number to receive texts, Click “Search on Your Network” to search for Keep Connect on your same network (this will only work if your computer, phone, or tablet is currently connected to the same home network as Keep Connect). Note: this requires internet connection. It searches the Keep Connect server for another Keep Connect with the same IP address as your browser’s.

LED Color Summary #

  • Blue – Everything is connected and working as intended
  • Solid Yellow – Not Connected. Awaiting User Configuration by connecting to Keep Connect SSID
  • Blinking Yellow – This indicates either the device has just booted (either from reset, loss of power, unplug/replug, etc). Waiting the set time to allow the modem/router to come online fully. The user has pressed the reset button Keep Connect is clearing the stored settings and reverting to factory defaults.
  • LED Off – If your Keep Connect is plugged in, the LED is off. It means that Keep Connect is in the process of power cycling your modem/router.

Quick Start Guide Video #

Power Pal Setup #

Quick Start Guide – Follow the steps #

  • Plug Power Pal into an outlet. You have the option to either utilize the socket on Power Pal to power your electrical devices or leave it be.
  • On your phone or tablet, connect to Power Pal’s wifi SSID (as if Keep Connect were acting as a router itself). Under your WiFi setting you should see the PowerPal-SSID. Connect to it!
  • And, WAIT!!! Be patient, and it takes Keep Connect a moment to redirect you to a configuration page (it works just like an airport or other public open WiFi networks requiring no password, you have to wait for the sign-in or acknowledge page). If it says “Unable To Connect” and may need another attempt or two to connect. This is a known issue but does not affect the device’s reliability.

To sum up, If the configuration page does not come up, open a browser and go to while still connected to Keep Connect’s WiFi SSID. You may be prompted that this connection does not have internet (which is true), but you will only stay connected to Keep Connect’s WiFi during configuration. It will automatically close after configuration, but it can be re-enabled by pressing/holding the button on the front for 5 seconds for future configuration changes.

PowerPal Configuration Settings #

  • Once the configuration portal pops up, go ahead and hit “Setup”. Enter your Web portal Credentials.
  • The Web Portal serves as the platform for adjusting your settings. Once configured, it can be accessed via your router’s WiFi network using the IP address assigned to your Keep Connect. If prompted, enter your Username/Password to proceed. Although it’s advised not to disable the Web Portal, in case you choose to do so, you can regain access by holding the Keep Connect button for about 5 seconds to relaunch the PowerPal-SSID, just like during the setup.
  • Once your credentials are saved, proceed to the next screen where you’ll connect PowerPal to your router network by entering your home router’s WiFi credentials. Choose your preferred notification method to receive alerts from Power Pal. You can then opt to either customize the default offline and restoration messages or retain them as they are. Additionally, you have the flexibility to adjust the timing settings to your preference.
    • Unlike Keep Connect, Power Pal’s advanced settings are very minimal, only focusing primarily on how Power Pal connects to your WiFi network and the configuration of its static IP.
  • After hitting save, you should receive a notification from Power Pal indicating you completed the setup.

LED Color Summary #

  • Blue – Everything is connected and working as intended
  • Solid Yellow – Not Connected. Awaiting User Configuration by connecting to Power Pal’s SSID

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