REST API for Programmatic Control of Johnson-Creative Devices

Introduction #

With the introduction of the REST API in V5, developers and advanced users can now programmatically interact with Keep Connect devices. This allows integration with external systems for automation and network management. The API supports various functions, such as fetching registered devices, checking device status, viewing event logs, triggering power cycles, and managing devices and user access. It’s ideal for businesses and IT professionals needing large-scale management or system integration.

API Authentication #

API Authentication verifies the identity of users accessing the Keep Connect API by providing a unique token for secure access. This token must be included with every API request to ensure authorized interactions with the Keep Connect devices.

Getting a JWT Token #

To access the API endpoints, you’ll need to authenticate and retrieve a JWT (JSON Web Token)

Send a POST request to the following URL:

In the request body (as x-www-form-urlencoded), include:

  • username: your_wordpress_username
  • password: your_wordpress_password

Once you obtain your token, copy it and paste it under the Authorization tab, selecting “Bearer Token” as the Authentication Type. This will be required for every API request you make moving forward.

API Requests Endpoints #

When sending API requests, use the base URL for all requests. The full request format should follow this pattern:<api-endpoint>?<parameters if applicable>

This base URL will be used in combination with the specific endpoints available for different operations. Ensure that any required parameters are included in the request.

get-enterprise-accounts #

The get-enterprise-accounts API GET Request checks if the user is an active Pro/Enterprise subscriber and retrieves the user sub-accounts under the same Cloud Service Subscription

usergetkeepconnects #

The usergetkeepconnects API GET Request retrieves all registered Johnson Creative devices (Keep Connect, Power Pal, etc) and their MAC addresses

usergetkeepconnectsfulldata #

The usergetkeepconnectsfulldata API GET Request retrieves all registered Johnson Creative devices (such as Keep Connect, Power Pal, etc.) along with their complete data, including Mac address, web ID, device name, firmware version, operation status, number of resets, and more. It also reflects the device order and folder organization as set in your app.

add-folder #

The add-folder API POST Request that creates a folder to help organize your Johnson-Creative devices. Use the API POST Request with the parameter folderName under Body → x-www-form-urlencoded.

move-device-to-folder #

The move-device-to-folder API POST Request move or transfer your Johnson-Creative devices from one folder to another with the use of parameters deviceId (which refers to the device MAC address) and targetFolderID (which can be found in the result of usergetkeepconnectsfulldata GET API Request)

If we want the to move a device from a folder back to the root folder, the folderId will be “root

remove-folder #

The remove-folder API POST Request that removes/deletes a folder that you added in the add via the parameter folderId. This POST Request will also remove/delete devices placed under this folder, so ensure to move out first devices from this folder before deleting the folder.

add-keep-connect #

The add-keep-connect API POST Request adds new Johnson-Creative device to the App with parameters under Body → x-www-form-urlencoded:

keepConnectCode – Device Code or Mac Address
keepConnectWebID – 4-5 digit device ID
keepConnectName – Device Given Name

remove-keep-connect #

The remove-keep-connect API POST Request removes an already registered Johnson-Creative device from the App with parameter keepConnects which refers to the MAC address of the device.

userGetResetData #

The userGetResetData API POST Request retrieves event logs for Keep Connect devices over the specified range of the past N days. This is determined by the range parameter, along with the userMac, which represents the MAC address of the device. The results are grouped per day for the past days set in the range parameter

Take note enclosing the userMac with single quotes is required for this API POST request to work

userGetResetDataLogs #

The userGetResetDataLogs API POST Request retrieves event logs for Keep Connect devices over the specified range of the past N days. This is determined by the range parameter, along with the userMac, which represents the MAC address of the device. The result on this API request however is detailed per event for the past days set in range parameter

Take note enclosing the userMac with single quotes is required for this API POST request to work

userTriggers #

The userTriggers API POST Request triggers a initiates a power cycle for your Keep Connect device and the network device connected to it.

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