Guide for Using Keep Connect Cloud Services Dashboard
Register your Keep Connect(s) – To register a Keep Connect, you’ll need to enter the WebID, Online Registration Code (17 digits which include the “:” characters which is also the Mac Address of the device itself), and a name for that specific Keep Connect. The WebID and Mac Address will be included in the notifications sent to you from your Keep Connect.
Select Your Registered Keep Connect – After registering your Keep Connect(s), they should appear at the top of each relevant section of the Keep Connect Cloud Services. Use the drop-down box to select the Keep Connect of interest before issuing any action.
Trigger a Remote Reboot – Select the desired Keep Connect from the drop-down and click “Trigger Reboot”. Your Keep Connect will receive the signal at the next time it communicates with our servers which occurs approximately every 5 min. After clicking “Trigger Reboot” you can refresh the page (ensure you still have the same Keep Connect selected) and you will see in the Keep Connect Device Info area where it says the remote reset is “Staged”. This means is has been initiated on our servers and will change back to “Not Staged” after the reboot is successul.
Send New Settings to Keep Connect – Click the button labeled “Send New Settings to Keep Connect. At the next page, select the Registered Keep Connect of interest. Use the form below to setup Keep Connect in the exact same manner as would be done during initial setup of the device. After clicking submit, the settings change will be staged on our servers and will be delivered to Keep Connect up the next time Keep Connect communicates with our servers. You can see the “Staged” or “Not Staged” status on the main dashboard screen.
Setup Cloud Notifications – When Keep Connect performs a reset, it sends notifications after the connection returns and things go back to normal. In cases where the internet may be out for an extended period of time, our servers can be setup to send you notifications (on either email or SMS depending on your Keep Connect configuration). Just select a registered Keep Connect from the drop-down and choose a time that you would like our servers to wait to hear from the device before sending you a notification that it appears to be down.
Review Collected Data Trends – Keep Connect Cloud keeps records of each reason that your device resets and can be viewed by simply selecting the device of interest from the drop off.